SJP Image library

Welcome to the St. James’s Place image library. Please find below a selection of images which are available for your use, in support of any specific St. James’s Place coverage.

These images have been made available in good faith, therefore please be aware of the following:-

All images supplied are the strict copywrite of St. James’s Place, and any use of images should be in line with the Terms of Use detailed below.

Terms of Use

  • No image(s) are to be used in connection with any purpose that is deemed prejudicial to, or denigrates St. James’s Place, including St. James’s Place employees, clients, or any other third parties.
  • Any images used should be in support of, or in connection to editorials, interviews/commentary, articles, or press releases and must not be used in advertising, or any sales/promotional material or content.
  • No image(s) must be sold on.
  • Where any images are used; the following acknowledgement must appear alongside the image: ‘© St. James’s Place’.
  • No image(s) should be cropped or amended in any way, whatsoever.

If you would like further guidance on how/where images may be used, require additional images or logos; or would like to request interviews, case studies or articles please kindly contact the Media Relations Team

Contact us

Head of Media Relations

Roy Beale

Mobile: 07825 165 329
Email: [email protected]

Media Relations Manager

Jill Parsons

Mobile: 07342 077 904
Email: [email protected]

Media Relations Manager

Andrew McLagan

Mobile: 07795 306 666
Email: [email protected]

Office location:

St. James's Place Wealth Management
1 Tetbury Road

The contact details listed above are for media enquiries only. For any client and/or service enquiries, please visit Contact Us.

For images to be used by journalists and media professionals when mentioning St. James's Place Wealth Management, please contact [email protected]

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SJP Approved 05/04/2023