Client Rate Sheet

  • Your Partner is introducing you to Metro Bank and not giving you advice on these savings products.
  • Your Partner has not sourced the whole market for the best rates.
  • St. James’s Place is paid an annual fee from Metro Bank of 0.05% on all accounts opened, calculated on the account balance, with the interest rates quoted net of this fee. Your Partner will receive a share of this fee.

Please note that the services provided by Metro Bank are separate and distinct from those offered by St. James's Place.

Trust accounts

instant access and fixed term trust accounts


(interest rate)

Interest paid Withdrawals Minimum balance
St. James’s Place Instant Access Trust Account
Instant access 0.20% variable Monthly Unlimited withdrawals £50
St. James's Place Fixed Term Trust Account    
12 months 4.71% Annually You can close your account within 14 calendar days: once you have passed the 14-day cooling-off period, you are not permitted to withdraw from or close your account before the end of the term £10,000
18 months 4.71%
36 months 4.71%
SJP Approved 19/06/2023