SJP Frequently asked questions


What is a ‘registrar’?
What is a ‘dividend’?
What is a ‘share certificate’?
What does ‘ex-dividend’ mean?
What does ‘record date’ mean?

Becoming a St. James’s Place shareholder

What am I entitled to as a registered St. James’s Place shareholder?
Can I receive company information and vote my shares electronically?

Dividend information

When are St. James’s Place dividends paid?
I’ve not received my St. James’s Place dividend cheque, who do I contact?
I have mislaid my dividend cheque, who do I contact?
Can I have my dividends paid directly into my bank account?
Do you have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)?
Do you have a Scrip Dividend Scheme?

Share registration issues

Who do I contact about share registration?
I have certificates for predecessor companies (e.g. J. Rothschild Holdings plc), are they still valid?
What happens if I lose my tax voucher?
I have just changed address, who needs to know?
I have recently changed my name, what should I do?
What should I do with my share certificate?
What do I do if I have lost my share certificate?
I have more than one certificate, can they be combined?
What is my shareholder reference number?
I have two different shareholder reference numbers, why?

Your shareholding

How can I buy and sell shares?
How can I check my shareholding details online?
I bought shares in St. James’s Place several years ago, but cannot remember what price I paid. I now need this information to complete my tax return. Where can I find the original share price?
I have a question about the tax on my shares and dividends. Who can I speak to?

Ordinary shareholder enquiries

If you have any queries, or amendment forms, please visit the Computershare Investor Centre. You can now also make many of these changes online. Please have your shareholder reference number to hand.

Computershare Investor Services plc

The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
BS99 6ZZ
Tel: 0370 702 0197
email: [email protected]

Investor relations enquiries

Director – Investor Relations

Hugh Taylor

Email: [email protected]

SJP Approved 05/04/2024