The company’s ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange with the trading symbol STJ.
The company’s SEDOL number is 0766937.
If you have any queries regarding your shareholding or would like to make changes to your account, please contact Computershare Investor Services plc, the Company’s registrar using the details on this page.
St. James’s Place plc have appointed Georgeson to help to reunite shareholders with their unclaimed entitlements. These entitlements may consist of unclaimed dividends and/or St. James’s Place plc shares.
Established in 1935, Georgeson is a leading business specialising in reuniting people with their forgotten and unclaimed assets. They have reunited over 1.5 million people around the world with £1 billion of their rightful entitlements.
Should you have received a letter from Georgeson, please contact them on the telephone number or email address provided, or for further information, please visit their website at