SJP Securing your legacy

Preparing financially for what happens when you reach much older age, and what happens with your pensions and assets when you die is as important as all your other financial planning.

An increasing number of us will need to provide for some form of social care, which will require thinking ahead to understand how this can be paid for, and how it may affect your retirement income.

Also, we all want flexibility to choose how our wealth is passed on when we die, and how you use pensions in this regard can have an important part to play in your estate planning.

Having a strategy in place removes much of the stress around subjects that can often be very emotive to discuss, or make decisions on.

Your St. James’s Place Partner will be able to help you to plan and adapt your retirement income needs, perhaps in preparation for future social care, or the steps to take to ensure your wishes are carried out for leaving a legacy to loved ones.

St. James’s Place Partner 

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SJP Approved 05/04/2024