Do you have a question about St. James’s Place? Find out what you need to know from our frequently asked questions below.

What does St. James's Place do?
Who owns St. James's Place?
How many St. James's Place advisers are there?
How many clients does St. James's Place have?
How does St. James's Place make money?
How safe are my pensions and investments with St. James's Place?
How much money do you need to invest with St. James's Place?
What has happened to St. James’s Place?
Is St. James's Place financially strong?
Why are people making claims against St. James’s Place?
Has SJP increased its charges?
Why has SJP changed its charges?
Who do I speak to if I want to withdraw money from my account?
Who do I speak to if I experience a change in circumstances?

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SJP Approved 05/04/2024