SJP International funds

The fund prices and performance tool provides an easy way to find out more about your investment with St. James’s Place.

In addition to daily fund prices, this tool also enables you to view fact sheets, key information and performance data over standardised cumulative and discrete periods for the range of St. James’s Place investment funds. View the User Guide to learn more.

View the User Guide

St. James’s Place endeavours to ensure that the information contained on its website is correct and current. However, please view our terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions

Please be aware that past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you invested. Returns on equities cannot be guaranteed. Equities do not provide the security of capital characteristic of a deposit with a bank or building society. Investment in non-sterling-designated securities may rise and fall purely on account of exchange rate fluctuations. All figures are produced on a bid-to-bid basis, in local currency, net of fund management charges with income reinvested.

Entity-level disclosures

We recognise that some companies we invest in have a better impact on the environment and society than others. Article 4 of SFDR requires that we measure and report annually on common negative impacts, which the EU calls ‘adverse sustainability impacts’.

This Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Statement is for our insurance products, which invest into unit trusts managed by the St. James's Place Unit Trust Group Ltd (SJP UTG). SJPI and SJP UTG are sister companies within the St. James’s Place Group, whose parent company is St. James's Place plc.

As a Group, we consider principal adverse impacts across our investment decisions on sustainability factors. These impact indicators include the 18 mandatory indicators and two additional indicators defined by the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (EU) 2019/2088.

The data contained within this statement covers the period between 1 January and 31 December 2023 and is limited to SJPI investments only – it is not representative of the whole SJP Group.

Read our Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Statement

Product-level disclosures

These are not marketing materials but aim to help you understand any sustainability characteristics relating to:

  • SJPI Global Equity
  • SJPI Sustainable and Responsible Equity

We are required to provide this information by the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation 2019/2088. Article 8 applies to any fund that does not have a sustainable investment objective but does promote environmental or social characteristics. Such funds are subject to enhanced sustainability disclosures, which are provided below.

SJPI Global Equity fund

No sustainable investment objective
Environmental or social characteristics of the financial products
Investment strategy
Proportion of investments
Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics
Data sources and processing
Limitations to methodologies and data
Due diligence
Engagement policies
Designated reference benchmark

SJPI Sustainable and Responsible Equity fund

No sustainable investment objective
Environmental or social characteristics of the financial products
Investment strategy
Proportion of investments
Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics
Data sources and processing
Limitations to methodologies and data
Due diligence
Engagement policies
Designated reference benchmark

Singapore Funds

St. James’s Place International plc (Singapore Branch) is licenced and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and is a member of the Life Insurance Association of Singapore.

Company registration number: T14FC0072F. Office Address: 1 Raffles Place, #15-61 One Raffles Place, Singapore 048616

St. James’s Place International plc is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

St. James’s Place International plc: Registered in Ireland Number 185345. Registered Office: Fleming Court, Flemings Place, Dublin 4, Ireland.

China Funds

St. James’s Place International plc is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

St. James’s Place International plc Registered Office: Fleming Court, Flemings Place, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Registered in Ireland Number 185345.

Hong Kong Funds

St. James’s Place (Hong Kong) Limited is the issuer of this application. This application has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.

St. James’s Place International (Hong Kong) Limited is authorised by the Insurance Authority to conduct long-term insurance business in Hong Kong.

St. James’s Place International (Hong Kong) Limited: Registered in Hong Kong Number 2207694.

Registered Office: 1/F Henley Building, 5 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong.

SJP Approved 05/04/2024