SJP Historic review of ongoing service charges

We recently announced that we’ll be conducting a review of historic servicing. In this, we’ll be actively reviewing our records to ensure clients received the services from their adviser that they paid for. If for some reason they didn’t, or we can’t find evidence that they did, we’re going to refund the ongoing servicing charges.

The process for determining which clients may have been affected and who may be due a refund has begun. We will be contacting all the impacted clients as part of this process. Therefore, at this stage clients do not need to take any action.

If you feel you may be affected and would like to be included in the review, please complete and submit the form on this page.

You do not have to use a Claims Management Company (CMC) or law firm to help you with our investigation, or any other matter relating to your plans with SJP. You can contact us directly and if you are entitled to redress, you will receive the full amount of any payment due without any of it going to a CMC. While CMCs and law firms can act on your behalf – they often simply take your information and pass it to SJP to investigate. They might not charge up front, but they may take up to 30% in fees from any refund or compensation that you are offered.

05 September 2024 - review update
20 May 2024 - update following first announcement
SJP Approved 25/09/2024