SJP Unreasonable behaviour policy

Read our policy setting out what we consider to be unreasonable behaviour, and the actions we might take if we consider your behaviour to be unacceptable.

We know when you contact us, the things you want to talk about are especially important to you. They are important to us too.

We appreciate at times, trying to resolve the matter can be distressing and frustrating. We want resolving your complaint to be a collaboration, so working with us in a constructive way will help us best understand the problem and how we can resolve it for you. With that in mind, we believe our colleagues have the right not to be subjected to abusive or unreasonable behaviour, language, or communication, regardless of the circumstances. This type of behaviour is unacceptable, and it may affect how we can communicate with you.

We understand some people may find it challenging to understand the impact of their behaviour on other people. We will always consider making reasonable adjustments for anyone with protected characteristics defined under the Equality Act, 2010, if we are asked to do so. However, if certain actions or behaviours are having a detrimental effect on our colleagues or our work, we will act accordingly.

Our policy sets out what we consider to be unacceptable behaviour, and the course of action we may take if we consider your interaction with us to be unacceptable.

Aggressive or abusive behaviour

We care about our colleagues and their personal safety and wellbeing while at work is important to us. We will seek to understand and resolve matters to your satisfaction but appreciate not everyone will agree with our decisions. While this can be frustrating, we will not accept any behaviour, communications, or language which we consider to be abusive towards any of our colleagues. This includes types of behaviour that:

  • is abusive
  • is threatening
  • uses aggressive or threatening behaviour or language
  • uses racist, sexist, or homophobic language or any other discriminatory language related to a diversity/protected characteristic
  • includes any other form of discrimination
  • includes the leaving of threatening or aggressive voicemails

Unreasonable behaviour

We want to be as open and collaborative as possible and will try to provide responses as soon as possible. But we also need to use our time in an efficient and effective way. Occasionally, some types of communication or behaviour can put excessive or unreasonable demands on the time of our colleagues. This affects our ability to help other people.

Examples of unreasonable behaviour include:

  • refusing to cooperate, or clarify an issue or matter, despite our offers of help
  • making excessive communication, whether by frequent calls e.g. daily, emailing numerous staff members, or sending detailed emails every few days, and expecting immediate responses
  • during a call, insisting on speaking to someone else, when we have explained to the caller, they are speaking to the appropriate person
  • repeatedly demanding we respond within an unreasonable timescale
  • insisting on a face-to-face meeting when we do not consider it necessary
  • visiting our offices without an agreed appointment

Actions we might take

We will explain to you when we consider behaviour to be unacceptable and ask that person to change their behaviour, communication and/or language. If it continues, we may:

  • stop communicating directly with that person (we may end the call if we are on one), and only communicate in writing through a letter sent by post or email.
  • with that person’s consent, communicate with them through a representative or third party such as a relative, friend or community advocate
  • restrict communicating with that person on a specific matter or topic


SJP Approved 05/04/2024