SJP Our advert

Everything you need to know about our advertising campaign is on this page.

Our TV ad tells the story of a father and daughter, showcasing the enduring strength of their bond. It's a rollercoaster of life moments – from baby cuddles and teenage chaos to the big milestones of adulthood.  

It shares poignant moments of wisdom, embraces vulnerability with warmth and humour, and gently reminds us of the inevitable changes that come with time.

Woven through it all is a message of the incredible power that a few wise words from a trusted adviser can have in shaping the course of our lives. 

Our TV ad

Our radio ads

Our first radio ad portrays Hannah checking her voicemail, expressing the timeless parental habit of leaving voicemails even in 2024. Her father's messages include a playful reminder about turning off the heating, a contemplative note on moving Gran in for care, and a heartfelt sign-off.

In the second radio ad, Joe listens to voice notes from Hannah, who cheekily encourages him to use voice notes instead of voicemail. Her messages touch on setting up a dating profile, discussing financial plans for her honeymoon, and end with a sweet but almost forgotten declaration of love. Both ads highlight the dynamics of communication between generations.

Our digital billboards

What we mean by “invaluable advice”

There’s advice that can change your day. Then there’s advice that can change your life. And the lives of those you love.  

The kind of advice that only ever comes from people who have your best interests at heart, who want to see you happy. Like your dad. Your sister. Your best friend since primary school. And us.  

That’s invaluable advice.

Read real stories of invaluable advice

What is one-to-one financial advice?

We all need advice on life’s journey to have the confidence to take the next step. But today, there’s fewer and fewer people you can turn to.  

We offer one-to-one financial advice at every step that gives you the confidence to embrace your tomorrow. 

This advice is delivered by our network of qualified financial advisers, also known as the Partnership, which is one of the largest groups of accredited and Chartered advisers in the country.

Find out how our advisers work with you

Meet the characters

Ready to find out more?

man on ipad
One-to-one financial advice

You’ll get advice and a plan tailored to your circumstances and attitudes, and what you aim to achieve. You’ll have the confidence of knowing you’re doing the right thing and are in control of your money and your future.

Financial advice
Navigating big changes in your life
Navigating changes in your life

The right advice today can help you build strong foundations for the future, whatever financial position you’re in.

From getting your first mortgage to passing on your wealth, we’ll help you save, invest, and protect the people you care about.

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boy blowing dandelion
Stories of invaluable advice

Discover how expert financial advice from St. James’s Place has impacted the lives of real people and their loved ones.

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up.  You may get back less than you invested. 

Invaluable advice

While you’re looking out for the ones you love, we’re looking out for you.

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SJP Approved 05/04/2024